The protagonists


papayas empaquetadas presentación de papayas



dragon fruit
La fruta del dragón se divide en dos especies principales: la H. triangularis o pitahaya amarilla y la H. ocamposis o pitahaya roja. La pitahaya roja es mucho más atractiva a la vista gracias a una piel de Intense pink color, it is more fragile and has a delicate flavor.
Papaya is a large tropical fruit native to Mexico and cultivated in various regions of the world, such as the Canary Islands. Its nutrients are fundamentally fast-absorbing sugars (more so the more mature the fruit is). The contribution of protein is low -as is common in fruits- and its fat content is low. It thus differs from oily fruits, which mainly provide fat.

Passion fruit
Its seeds and pulp are used from this fruit and it is ideal for making juices, smoothies and desserts. Among its most significant properties are the following:
Es un fruta rica en Vitamina A y vitamina C, que gracias a sus propiedades antioxidantes previene el envejecimiento, protege against sun damage and strengthens the immune system.
It contains a high amount of fiber that improves intestinal transit and reduces the risk of suffering from gastrointestinal disease.
It has potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.
It provides a high content in iron and flavonoids.